

I’m Bec.


I am a bunch of things.  Female, artist, wife, mother, runner, writer, cuddle-er, photographer, musician, maker of things.

I have always just pursued the next thing I feel like doing that presents itself to me without too much concern about whether I will “fail” or not.

I just run with it, and maybe somewhere along the way, I drop it or perhaps just shift things around, and pick up something else.  All the while, trying to find the balance and perspective I need for the next thing.

A year and a half ago I started running. I never thought I could run, but always wanted to. And this time, it stuck.  I have no idea why – maybe I had more determination, was stronger, better physical and psychological willpower (or two young kids at home and I just needed to get out and RUN without anyone interrupting or stopping me from going), but here I am, still running strong and reaching new goals as time passes. I ran my first half marathon this past summer, an accomplishment that seemed other worldly to me years ago.

This has acted as a catalyst and realization that we can accomplish a lot more than we think if we just stick with it.  Our own mentality can be one of our biggest hindrances when it comes to making a dream become reality.

I have read that in order to have a “successful” blog, you need to decide your niche and hone in on that crowd.  I am a little rebellious at heart and like to challenge how success is even measured.  So, I will be writing about many different things here, but some common themes you will find include: motherhood, spirituality, writing, embracing a simplified and sustainable lifestyle, art & photography, DIY projects, fitness, health, vegetarian & vegan cooking and baking, and lots of other things that I promise will change with time as I jump from place to place.

Thanks for stopping by!


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